

Femtosecond Laser




Fiber Laser


Pulsed Q-Switched Laser


Pulsed Laser Diode


PIV Laser




Diode Laser


Fiber Coupled Diode Laser


Laser Diode/Diode module


Narrow Linewidth Laser


CO2 Laser


Tunable Laser


HeNe/Argon Laser


Black Body Source


Light Source


Laser Accessories


Super continuum Laser












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_Femtosecond Laser


PHAROS-fs Laser

190 fs – 10 ps (20 ps on request) tunable pulse duration

2 mJ maximum pulse energy

20 W output power

 Single shot – 1 MHz

CEP stabilization system for PHAROS - fs Laser

CEP stabilization system for PHAROS

CARBIDE - fs Laser

<290 fs – 10 ps tunable pulse duration

>400 ¥ìJ pulse energy

>40 W output power

 60 kHz – 1 MHz tunable base repetition rate

OPA ORPHEUS - fs Laser

Built on well known TOPAS OPA basis

Repetition rate up to 1 MHz

High energy conversion into parametric radiation

 Near bandwidth and diffraction limited output

ORPHEUS-N - fs Laser

< 30 fs pulse duration

Integrated prism compressor

Adjustable bandwidth and pulse duration

 Computer controlled

ORPHEUS-HP - fs Laser

190 nm – 16000 nm tunable wavelength

Single pulse – 1 MHz repetition rate

Up to 40 W pump power

 Up to 0.4 mJ pump energy (higher energy upon request)

ORPHEUS-Twins - fs Laser

Two OPA units in single compact housing

210 nm – 16000 nm tunable wavelength

Single pulse – 1 MHz repetition rate

 Up to 40 W pump power

Harmonics generator HIRO - fs Laser

515 nm, 343 nm and 257 nm

Easy switching between active harmonics

Simultaneus outputs available

 Integrated separation of the harmonics

HARPIA - fs Laser

Femtosecond multi-pulse transient

absorption/reflection measurements

Femtosecond fluorescence upconversion

 Time resolved femtosecond stimulated Raman scattering (FSRS) experiments

FLINT - fs Laser

Sub‑80 fs without any additional pulse compressor

125 nJ maximum pulse energy

10 W output power

 76 MHz is standard

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